Wednesday, 6 March 2013


This video is for my presentation - Cut up to show each section with slowed-down in game footage (the character moves too quickly so it felt like it was rushed so i slowed down all but the final boss room)

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Started work on the final "filler" section, just this and the last boss to go now...

Placement of walls and some filler "size correct" objects for some assets i have yet to finish / need to make... (much like a secondary blockout but much faster and just there for a minute)

MiniBoss Almost Done

The only thing left for this room would be some small little lantern 
* I have texture space on the wall that i made for this specific room (though i will probably re-use it on the final boss room)*

Ps. The portal is just there for play-testing. Quickly put those in there to make life easier while testing the flow of the level and if things needed moving etc... There are crates setup in the scene to make getting from one platform to the other possible. Previously there wasnt really a way of making it work but still in jumping range (dont know the jump range of the street fist character, just assumed it might be the same or close to the same as the UDK default and went by that)

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Custom Camera

Kismet and camera in UDEditor

The Camera Angle in game - This only acts like a normal camera, it doesnt lock Y and Z axis like a side-scroller should and is literally just there so that i can preview the levels properly. 

Previewing the levels normally (first person) is too confining and not really accurate to the final result. using the in-build "behindview" command isnt great either, it's too close and at a bad angle.
The problem with this camera though is the fact it's at a 90 degree angle to the character and the keys are still the same so controlling the character isn't very natural, but at least i get a better preview.

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Been a slow week

Slow week - done the corner part (integral to building all the sewer floors)
Had a few snapping issues which i wasted a couple of hours on due to lack of fore-thought. Learnt from this error and will strive to plan better in the future .
Some seams still in the texture which i'll fix ASAP
After this part of the level is complete, the final part is just instancing this same bit for most of it so wont take as long to complete.

Thursday, 7 February 2013